Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Genesis 1:3-5

And God said "let there be light" and there was light. (I wish this worked when I wake up at night & have to go pee, just sayin'!)
And god saw that the light was good. Why was it good? Didn't god have to create the darkness also? When did that happen? Was the darkness good too?
And he separated the light from the darkness. Where they mixed? Was it like dusk?
And he called the light"day" and the darkness night and there was evening and there was morning on the first day.

Well, since no one currently believes that the world is flat (I hope) and we all know that light comes from the sun and the earth rotates, how can this contradiction be explained. It's not like turning on a light bulb in a dark room and voila, there is light and it is day and then, bam we turn it off and it is night. Even though it is night here where I am, it is day somewhere in the world. We can chalk it up to the understanding of the Earth at the time this text was written, but if it is the word of god, it must be held to a higher standard.

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