Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Genesis 1:1-2

Perhaps one of the most well know lines of the bible: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The English Bible has changed the wording to say: In the beginning of creation when God made the heaven and earth . . . This semantic change is significant because in the new English version indicates that there was something before creation was initiated, while the NIV version it seems that everything began with the creation and gives no indication what was before. Insomuch as the word "beginning" is concerned, the question really is, what is meant by it? Are we talking about the beginning of the earth and life as we know it, or the beginning of everything. If by beginning, we are talking about the beginning of the earth as we know it, that is plausible. If we are talking about the beginning of all things, that is a contradiction because as indicated by the bible, god was there and a void was there.

The NIV also calls god "the Spirit of God" and I wonder what is meant by that and how the spirit of god is different from god.

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