Monday, January 26, 2009

In the beginning . . .

Hello! My name is Kathy and I am a wiccan athiest. To begin, I would like to take a few lines to explain what I mean by wiccan atheist. Basically, I have a great love and respect for the Earth. I feel that as human, we are an integral part of this fantastic environment known as Earth. We are a speck of dust in a grand galactic system. I know that there exists cause and effect and that these are reciprocal between each individual and the environment they inhabit. I do not, however, believe there is any higher power, karma, or grand system controlling it on any level. So, that is the shorthand of my "belief" system (or lack of belief system, as it were).

I am also the wife of a Catholic man and mother to two children who will decide for themselves what to be at some point in their lives. My daughter especially is very curious and is at this time very interested in religion. It is with her in mind that I embark on this endeavor. My goal with this blog is read and analyze holy texts to try to make a clear understanding of what makes them so special that so many individuals would base their entire life around their teachings. I will start with the Old testament, then the New testament, and then the Qu'ran. This process will likely be slow going because I am a University student and I may not always have sufficient time to do thorough research on each passage and I will not post unless I have done my homework thoroughly, so to speak. I encourage feedback and discussion, but please be respectful. I understand that people are very touchy about their beliefs, so please discuss the topic and do not stoop to insults.

Thank you.